31 Homebirth Midwife Interview Questions

Many parents who are meeting with a midwife for the first time wonder about how to know if the midwife is a good fit for them. It can be most enlightening to hear what the midwife’s philosophy and protocols are. Not all midwives are the same, even those that have similar credentialing or training. So having a good set of questions to ask can really help you to get a clearer idea of whether or not she is a good fit for your family.

In addition to the questions below, also consider how you felt with her during the interview. Did you feel as if you and her got along together and related to one another? Did she seem rushed in her answers or annoyed with the questions? Did she minimize your concerns, or did she really hear you? These points are all as important, if not more, than her actual answers to the questions below.

New family interviews are one of my favorite parts about being a midwife. And I really love it when parents show up with a list of questions. I created this set of questions based upon what I would ask a midwife if I was seeking one. Feel free to alter or adjust the questions to suit your situation.

  1. Why did you become a midwife?

  2. What was your training? Where did you train, in a birth center setting or in a homebirth practice?

  3. How long have you been a midwife?

  4. How many births a month do you commit to attending? Who assists you at those births? how often have you had to call another midwife in to attend a birth because you were at a different one already?

  5. Am I required to have vaginal exams, prenatally or during birth? What about before I start to push?

  6. How often do you give mothers pitocin or other pharmaceutical after the birth for bleeding?

  7. What will happen if my water breaks before labor starts? How long can I wait for labor to begin on its own?

  8. How often do you attend waterbirths?

  9. Is there any lab work that you require me to have? Am I required to have an ultrasound?

  10. How often do your clients have their labors induced? What is the usual reason for induction in your practice?

  11. Are you skilled in using a fetoscope? If I decline the use of a Doppler, are you comfortable with using a fetoscope to listen to the baby prenatally and during the birth?

  12. Do you prefer to keep your hands off the perineum during crowning and the birth of the baby? Or do you prefer to do massage and warm compresses?

  13. How quickly do you want the placenta born?

  14. How many postpartum appointments do you provide?

  15. What is your transport rate?

  16. Do you attend breech births?

  17. What things would require you to transfer my care prenatally? During labor?

  18. How many weeks must I be to have a homebirth? (Earliest and latest)

  19. How do you feel about me or my husband/partner catching the baby?

  20. How does insurance coverage work? What would I be required to pay and by what date?

  21. Are you trained and current in neonatal resuscitation? Do you carry equipment for resuscitation?

  22. Are you planning any trips or vacations near my due date time? A month before or 3 weeks after my due date?

  23. What is your preferred form of communication? Phone, text or email?

  24. When do you come to my home during labor? How long do you stay after the baby is born?

  25. Will I need to order a birth kit or will you provide it?

  26. Do you have a pool to loan for free? What do I need to buy for a homebirth?

  27. How do you feel about me having a doula?

  28. What is your experience with herbs and homeopathy?

  29. How do you handle a nuchal cord (cord around the neck)?

  30. Have you ever cut an episiotomy? If so, why?

  31. What kind of breastfeeding support do you offer? What is your experience with helping mothers with breastfeeding?


A Peek Into My Prenatal Bag

