Frequently Asked Questions

Pregnant mother in the sun

I have a lot of questions. Do you offer a free consultation?

Yes! I love to meet with new families and answer any questions you may have. Just email or call me at (503) 999-1641 and we can set up a consultation.

Where do the appointments take place?

All prenatal appointments take place in my office in Salem. I do provide a homevisit at 36 weeks, where I will drive to you for that visit. Postpartum appointments are done in your home, with the exception of the final 6 week visit, which is done in my office. Appointments typically last an hour. This gives us plenty of time to get to know one another, so that by the time of your birthing, you feel comfortable inviting me into your birthing space. I want you to feel uninhibited and safe while you are in labor.

How often do I have prenatal or postpartum visits?

While you are pregnant, we will have a prenatal appointment monthly until you are 28 weeks pregnant. From then, we meet every two weeks until you reach 36 weeks, at which point we meet weekly until you have your baby. If you go far past your due date, I will see you more often than weekly. After your baby is born, I come back about 24 hours later, then on days 3, 7, and 14, 2 weeks and 6 weeks postpartum. Of course, prenatally or postpartum, if there is an indication for more frequent visits, then more will be done.

Can I still have an ultrasound or blood tests?

Yes! All testing and ultrasounds are available to you. I have lab ordering privileges and can order ultrasounds. With that said, ultimately, the choice is yours. We discuss what the standard of care is, and the risks and benefits of each test, and then you get to choose what is the right choice for you. I support informed choice.

Isn’t homebirth messy?

This is a common concern! No, homebirth isn’t messy. Midwives are excellent at keeping everything tidy. We will make sure all of the mess is cleaned up before we leave your birth. With that said, the ‘mess’ is really much less than many imagine.

Can my older children be at the birth?

This is a personal decision that you get to decide for yourself. I’ve been at many births with older siblings present and it was heartwarming and a wonderful experience for all included. Other mothers prefer to have their older children go somewhere with a friend or family member. Remember, when you birth at home, you make the rules and can dictate who can or can’t be in your birthing space.

Do you offer breastfeeding support?

Yes, absolutely. I have helped hundreds of mothers with breastfeeding. I was a La Leche League leader for a number of years, and I have fully breastfed my own four children. During postpartum visits, I assist with breastfeeding as needed, and make extra visits, when needed, at no extra cost. Of course, homebirth and unmedicated birth both help to get breastfeeding off to the right start, but sometimes mothers do need a bit of extra help. I am here to support you in whatever way I can.

Will my insurance pay for the cost?

This can vary depending upon the company and the policy. I am covered as an out of network provider and accept OHP Medicaid. I also work with families, as needed, on the financial piece. Do not let money keep you from having the birth you desire.

How can I get my baby’s birth certificate and social security card?

I am able to file birth certificates in Oregon and I can order the social security card for you as well. It is very simple in Oregon!